Friday 5 February 2016

Roots of Empathy in Grade 5



ROOTS OF EMPATHY is a program made for classrooms where Mrs. Lucas, Mother Ashleigh and Baby Bennett come to the classroom and teach the students about empathy. Baby Bennett shows us how to care for him which is showing empathy.

During roots of empathy the students learn about and study the baby for one lesson,during Baby visits.  We sing songs,make the baby do exercises, let the baby play with toys,and just watch
the baby so we can examine the baby’s reactions.  Babies might cry because they are hungry,need to change .etc,  if that  doesn’t work try rocking the baby,singing a song.  Baby Bennett shows his emotions by his facial expressions and making sounds and this shows us how he is feeling.  We learn we must read facial expressions on others to know how their feelings so that we can help them.  


By: Evan T.
Ms. Mikelsteins - Grade 5