Thursday 8 September 2016

School Council Meeting - REVISED DATE

Dear families of Silver Stream,
Our first School Council Meeting will be on Tuesday September 20 at 7:00pm (REVISED from Sept. 27) in the library of the school.  As this is the first meeting of this school year, it will be an evening for elections. 

School Council meetings are a wonderful way to be involved in your child’s school and get to know other parents in our community.  You are always invited to attend as a parent to listen and/or contribute to discussions OR as a parent, become a more active voting member of the council through elections to plan activities for our school.   School Council generally meets once every 6 weeks. 

In your “First Day package” that went home with your child, there is more information about school council and  a form included for nominations.  Should you wish to be nominated for a position on council, please submit this to the Principal, Carol Takagi  prior to the elections. 

Thank you!