First Day Package:
Please ensure that you return documents from the First Day Package to your child's teacher. It is important that we have these forms on file in the office. The forms that MUST be returned are blue and yellow. We appreciate your attention to these.
School Cash-online:
Please sign up for school cash-online. All lunchtime programs, field trips, agendas etc. will be ordered through this system. Your child's student number is located in the front of their agenda or can be given to them by their teacher.
If your child requires an epipen, please ensure that the completed forms are in our office and that he/she carries it on their body. As per the YRDSB policy and for your child's safety, an epipen cannot be stored in a knapsack, desk or locker. In the event of an emergency, the epipen needs to be immediately accessible.
School Council Meeting:
School Council is a wonderful way for you to stay informed about the events in the school and an opportunity for you to contribute to activities and events that are organized by council. All parents are welcome to attend school council meetings without being an elected member.
The election of your school council members will take place on Tuesday Sept 20 at 7pm in the library. If you are interested in being a part of our school council, you must return the pink nomination form to the school and come to the meeting.
Thank you for your support!