On behalf of all the staff at Silver Stream PS, I would like to warmly welcome all of our new and returning students and their families. I am Carol Takagi, the new Principal at Silver Stream and excited to be here! These past few days, I have had the opportunity to meet some students and some parents. What a wonderful community of learners. For those of you I haven’t met yet, please take a moment to introduce yourself when you see me.
To communicate in a timely way and in protecting our planet’s resources, I will be using this BLOG to share and store information with you. Please subscribe via email to the blog so that you will receive blog posts as they happen. I have found this to be a very efficient way to communicate messages quickly to parents as well as share some useful information, events/activities happening in the school, websites and resources. This means that I will be retiring the monthly school newsletter.
The school also uses email to send out important information, so please make sure that you keep our records up to date with your correct email address. We have circulated two emails so far: a letter from the Director regarding the new Health and Physical Education curriculum and a letter to parents about allergies. If you didn’t receive the emails, please send an email to the school email address silver.stream.ps@yrdsb.ca indicating your child’s name and grade as well as your email address so that we can enter it in our system. Occasionally, the emails may end up in your “junk mailbox” so please check there too.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our school website http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/silverstream.ps . It has many helpful links for parents/guardians connected to the YRDSB. We will be updating this as soon as possible.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our school website http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/silverstream.ps . It has many helpful links for parents/guardians connected to the YRDSB. We will be updating this as soon as possible.
Looking forward to meeting and working with you as a partner in your child’s learning and achievement.
Carol Takagi