Friday, 23 February 2018


This month at Silver Stream has been designated as "Kindness Month." Although we would like everyone at our school to be kind throughout the year, February has had a specific focus with daily reminders, a daily kindness thought for the day, "Random Acts of Kindness Day" last Friday, and a special "Kindness Tree" outside the library which students have created through acts of kindness. We will be having a targeted "Kindness Campaign Assembly" for girls in Grades 5-8 presented by an organization called Kind Campaign Canada on February 28th. Also, Wednesday, February 28th is Pink Shirt Day. This year's focus in on cyber-bullying. We will be encouraging students to combat cyber-bullying by thinking twice before posting something negative, and instead using the internet to spread kindness--because we know that Nice Needs No Filter! 
As Aesop famously said, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."