We have a large number of students who are late for school on a regular basis. We will be calling parents of those students to determine if there are ways that the school can assist you to ensure that students arrive to school on time. Arriving late for school is disruptive for the learning of others and may result in missing some key instruction. Arriving on time, teaches and reinforces a valuable life skill, that arriving on time for work or in this case, school is both important and expected.
We do recommend that students gradually increase responsibility in getting ready for school each day. Some or all of these responsibilities can be the child's, depending upon the age of the student:
- pack knapsack the night before with all materials needed for school
- lay out clothing needed for the morning the night before
- use a timer for eating breakfast or getting dressed in the morning
- make lunch the night before so that it can be quickly put in a lunchbag in the morning
- aim to arrive at school between 7:50am - 8:00am