Silver Stream is aiming to have School Cash ONLINE fully implemented in September 2016. Some of our staff will begin to use this system and others will wait until September. In preparation for full implementation, we do need parents to register. Information that included the instructions below was sent home with your child this week. Your child's student number was provided to you in the information that was sent home and is required to register.
Silver Stream PS is accepting online payments
through School Cash ONLINE!
School Cash Online provides
the following benefits:
• A
convenient fee payment option that saves time
• Reduces
• No
more need to send cash or cheques to school
• A
quick way to register. It takes less than 5 minutes to register.
Parents that opt to
participate will receive notification via email of student fees owed (both
required and optional), and can make secure online payments by credit card or
Interac and receive a receipt.
To view a
presentation about the program, go to http://www.kevsoftware.com/movies/ParentRegEnglish/.