Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Many cultures have a time to celebrate the end of the growing season when all crops have been
harvested for winter. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians all celebrated at harvest time
and thanked their gods and goddesses. Today, throughout the world, we still celebrate at this
Thanksgiving is a day when people get together with their families to express gratitude for all the
good things that have happened during the year: for health, family, friends, and of course, food
of the harvest.
We often think of European settlers as having started the celebration in North America.
However, harvest feasts were held long before that. Aboriginal peoples throughout the continent
harvested and preserved food to be stored for the long winter ahead and gave thanks.
Regardless of the country or culture, the story is similar. People gave thanks for a successful
harvest in a new land. Since then many other people have immigrated to Canada and the United
States and brought the customs of giving thanks too.
On this day of celebration and gratitude, we wish the students, staff and parents who observe
Thanksgiving a happy and restful holiday.