To all those celebrating Christmas,
Year’s Eve/Day and Orthodox
Christmas, we would like to wish you and your families happy celebrations.
Friday, 22 December 2017
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Monday, 18 December 2017
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Friday, 8 December 2017
Facts about Lice
Yes, like everywhere else, there are head lice in York Region and At Silver Stream. A reminder that it’s important to check your child’s head if they’ve been in contact with someone who has lice or if they appear to have an itchy scalp and are scratching a lot. Don’t panic! Be sensitive to your child’s feelings and check your child’s head right away. Checking for lice takes patience, diligence and plenty of time.
Effective treatment means:
Check all family members
Treat only family members that have head lice
Apply a head lice treatment as directed
Remove all the nits (eggs)
Know the facts – talk to a Public Health Nurse If your children have lice, Please let the school know. If you have any questions or concerns contact York Region Health Services or the school.
Dressing for Cooler Weather
All our students will be expected to be outside before, during and after school in all weather conditions (i.e., rain or shine, snow or heat). Students need to come to school dressed to play outside during recesses. Boots (for rain or snow), rain jackets, hats, mitts, scarves and snow pants will help make recess an enjoyable time. It is advisable for children to keep extra pants and socks at school in case they get wet. To avoid adding to our clothing collection in the Lost and Found Bin, please be sure to label all articles of clothing
Friday, 1 December 2017
Kindergarten Registration
Registration to Commence January 19, 2018
registration will commence on January 19, 2018 for the 2018-19 school year.
Registration forms are available on YRDSB’s website: Children who turn four or five
years old during 2018, live within the school boundary and whose parents are
public school tax supporters will be eligible to register for kindergarten. A
kindergarten information session for parents is being planned for this spring.
For more information please visit the YRDSB website or contact your local
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Trustee Greeting
December 2017
Message From Our Trustee
In November, about 1,000 students, staff members and
community partners came together from across the Board to form a Ring of Peace and stand together against hate,
discrimination and intolerance. The student speakers at the event shared meaningful
messages about the importance of feeling welcome, valued and respected.
At York Region District School Board, we are committed to
listening to the voices of our students and communities. We will continue
working with our school communities to ensure our schools provide safe,
welcoming and inclusive environments for everyone.
Last month, our annual Quest
conference brought together educators from across Ontario, Canada
and around the world to share, learn and discuss how to foster well-being in
schools. Some of the themes covered included equity and inclusivity, and safe
and caring environments.
It was a wonderful opportunity to learn more about some of
the positive things happening in our own schools and other districts. In recent
months, we have had several international visitors come to our system and
schools to learn more about the work in our system to support student
achievement and well-being, including Qatar, the Netherlands, Texas and the United
We are pleased to have these opportunities to continue
highlighting and sharing the great things happening in our schools thanks to
our outstanding students, staff members, families and community partners. Your
engagement makes a difference in our schools and I encourage you to continue
getting involved in the life of your child’s school.
As we enter the holiday season, I am once again impressed by
the generosity of our school communities and our students’ commitment to
helping others.
Carol Chan
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Friday, 24 November 2017
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Cookie Dough Pick up TODAY!!!
Just a reminder that if you have ordered cookie dough through QSP, the orders need to be picked up today between 4 and 8 pm in the gym . We do not have freezers to store the cookie dough. Thank You.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Friday, 17 November 2017
Cookie Dough Pick Up - Nov. 23
Just a reminder that if you have ordered cookie dough through QSP,
the orders need to be picked up on Thursday, November 23rd between 4 and 8 pm in the gym
. We do not have freezers to store the
cookie dough. Thank You.
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Donations for Poppies
Tomorrow all students will be receiving a poppy to wear during the Remembrance Day Ceremony. Please feel free to send in a donation that we can send to the Royal Canadian Legion.
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Remembrance Day Ceremony
On Friday at 10:45 am, our school will be observing Remembrance Day in a school-wide assembly. Some classes will contribute a song or poem to help all of us remember and respect all the men and women who have risked their lives and lost their lives to keep us safe and who continue to protect our rights and freedoms and those of others. We will observe a moment of silence at 11:00 am and encourage a message of peace. Parents are welcome to attend with limited seating available.
Friday, 3 November 2017
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
November 9th - Picture Retake Day
Just a reminder that Thursday, November 9, 2017 is Picture Retake Day.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Lunch Assistants Needed!!!
Are you
available to come to the school between 11:50 am – 1:05 pm to supervise students
during the lunch time?
This is a
paid position and you can work every day or only a few days per week. You must be willing to work with all age groups.
Please see
the office if interested for further information.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Attendance Reminder
Our morning entry bell rings at 8:00am. Students are
expected to be in their classroom at 8:05am in time for morning announcements
and the beginning of the instructional day. Students entering the
classroom after this time are late and will be reported as such.
When a student is absent or late, it is imperative that the
parent/guardian telephone the school at 905-508-5696 before 8:00am each
day. Please select the “absence” mailbox and leave your child’s full
name, grade, teacher and reason for the absence.
Students leaving the school before regular dismissal require
a note to be given to the homeroom teacher and must sign-out in the school
office. When it is necessary to pick up your child for an appointment or
because of illness, we ask that you come into the office so that your child can
be signed out.
Monday, 23 October 2017
Friday, 20 October 2017
Mathematica Math Contests
several years, Silver Stream Public School has participated in the Mathematica
Math Contests for students in Grades 4-8. Our school is proud of the strong
math skills our students have demonstrated by their many past awards.
This year’s contest will be written on April 18, 2018 and will cost $3.75 per student.
The tests are sent to Mathematica Centrum, the mathematics contest centre, to be marked. The results usually arrive back at the school in the beginning of June, and are also posted on the Mathematica website. We recognize the top students in our school at the end of year assembly in June, where we hand out certificates of achievement and medals for the students with the highest scores in each grade.
This year’s contest will be written on April 18, 2018 and will cost $3.75 per student.
The tests are sent to Mathematica Centrum, the mathematics contest centre, to be marked. The results usually arrive back at the school in the beginning of June, and are also posted on the Mathematica website. We recognize the top students in our school at the end of year assembly in June, where we hand out certificates of achievement and medals for the students with the highest scores in each grade.
Please register on Cash
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Friday, 6 October 2017
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Many cultures have a time to celebrate the end of the growing season when all crops have been
harvested for winter. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians all celebrated at harvest time
and thanked their gods and goddesses. Today, throughout the world, we still celebrate at this

Thanksgiving is a day when people get together with their families to express gratitude for all the
good things that have happened during the year: for health, family, friends, and of course, food
of the harvest.
We often think of European settlers as having started the celebration in North America.
However, harvest feasts were held long before that. Aboriginal peoples throughout the continent
harvested and preserved food to be stored for the long winter ahead and gave thanks.
Regardless of the country or culture, the story is similar. People gave thanks for a successful
harvest in a new land. Since then many other people have immigrated to Canada and the United
States and brought the customs of giving thanks too.
On this day of celebration and gratitude, we wish the students, staff and parents who observe
Thanksgiving a happy and restful holiday.
Thursday, 5 October 2017
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Silver Stream Spirit Wear
Show your school spirit
by purchasing Silver Stream spirit wear! Orders for Silver Stream spirit
wear can be made through Samples of the
clothing sizes are available during Curriculum Night, as well as in the school
office from 8:00am to 3:30pm each day.
Go Falcons go!
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
2016 - 2017 EQAO Results
Below are the results of our math and literacy EQAO assessments for Grades 3 and 6 from 2016-2017. We will use this data as a school team to delve deeper into our results to see where we need to make improvements in our instructional practices that will impact student achievement. We will be giving specific attention to mathematics as this is an area of focus for the YRDSB. The research and strategies that are identified will be indicated in our School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement.
For more detailed information and results please visit
Monday, 25 September 2017
Curriculum Night - Thursday, September 28th
Please join us for Curriculum Night on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2017. This evening is an opportunity for families to meet teachers and learn about classroom programs and expectations. Individual student progress will be discussed privately with families during parent interviews at the end of November.
Scholastic Book Fair
| |
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Book Fair open (Library)
| |
6:30 - 6:40
Presentation to Families in room 118
6:40 - 7:00
Visit classroom and meet teacher
7:00 - 7:10
Presentation to Families in room 118 (repeat)
7:10 - 7:30
Visit classroom and meet teacher
Primary (Grades 1 to 3)
| |
6:30 - 7:30
Visit classroom and meet teacher
Student passport activity
Junior (Grades 4 to 6)
| |
6:30 - 7:30
Visit classroom and meet teacher
Student passport activity
Intermediate (Grades 7 and 8)
| |
6:00 - 6:30
Visit classroom and meet teacher
6:30 - 7:00
Presentation in the Gym
7:00 - 7:30
Presentation in the Gym (Repeat)
Children are welcome to attend with their families.
We are looking forward to meeting you.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Friday, 15 September 2017
Terry Fox Run - Friday, September 29
Silver Stream Public School is very excited to be participating in our annual Terry Fox Run for Cancer. Our whole school will run for Terry on Friday, September 29 - 1:05 to 2:10
We are encouraging our families to continue to generously donate to our fund raising efforts. This year we are encouraging families to consider donating on-line. We have already set up our website. It’s fast, easy and donors receive their receipts right away. Please use the following link:
Online Fundraising
School url link:
To date our Fundraising Grand Total is $8663!! What a fantastic reflection of our generous community!! Our goal this year is to raise $1000.00. Please help Cancer Research happen.
Terry Fox t-shirts are available to your staff or students and is a great way to create unity for your school Run and boost your funds. Sales are added to your school’s fundraising total and 75% of merchandise sales support cancer research. Purolator delivery time is about 4 business days.
Terry Fox t-shirts are available to your staff or students and is a great way to create unity for your school Run and boost your funds. Sales are added to your school’s fundraising total and 75% of merchandise sales support cancer research. Purolator delivery time is about 4 business days.
School Lunch Provider - The Lunch Lady
In addition to our Hot Lunch Program The Lunch Lady service is also available to parents at
Thursday, 14 September 2017
QSP Fundraising Reminder
Once again this year we will be fundraising through the sale of magazine subscriptions and cookie dough sales. We will be sending information and order forms home near the end of the month.
First School Council Meeting - September 19, 2017
Dear families of Silver Stream,
Our first School Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 19 at 7:00pm in the library of the school. As this is the first meeting of this school year, it will be an evening for elections.
School Council meetings are a wonderful way to be involved in your child’s school and get to know other parents in our community. You are always invited to attend as a parent to listen and/or contribute to discussions OR as a parent, become a more active voting member of the council through elections to plan activities for our school. School Council generally meets once every 6 weeks.
Thank you!
Hot Lunch Program Information
Silver Stream Council is pleased to continue following healthy lunch initiatives for the 2017 - 2018 school year. The first lunch term would be October 6, 2017 - January 17, 2018.
This year there will be Subway, Swiss Chalet and Pizza options.
All options will be pre-set so parents are able to order through Cash-Online system, as paper order is no longer accepted. Please order the lunches for your child by logging onto Cash-Online at: by Friday, September 22nd, 2017
Monday, 11 September 2017
Save the Date!
Please mark your calendars to attend our Meet the Teacher and Curriculum Night on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2017.
Time and details to follow.
Time and details to follow.
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
September 2017 Trustee Greetings
Message from our Trustee
As we begin the 2017-2018 school
year, I want to take this opportunity to welcome all of our new and returning
students and families. This is an exciting time of year and I hope you are
starting this new school year as trustees are - with optimism and a commitment
to working together to continue advancing student achievement and well-being.
An important part of that
commitment is working together with staff members, families and communities to
ensure our schools provide an environment that is safe, welcoming and
inclusive. This takes on increasing importance given recent local and global
events. We take pride in the diversity of our communities and will continue
striving to uphold the values of equity and inclusivity in our system.
Trustees have had a busy summer,
welcoming our new Human Rights Commissioner and
beginning the process
for selecting a new Director of Education as we continue to move
forward implementing the Minister’s
An important part of the director
selection process includes collecting input from students, staff, families and
community members - input that will be used to shape the job description,
interview questions and more. I encourage everyone to share their thoughts
through the survey available
in September. We will continue to keep you updated as this work progresses.
Our schools are stronger when we
work in collaboration with families and communities. Partnerships with parents
and families are essential to achieving the goals we have for our students, and
I hope that you will find opportunities to get engaged with the school and your
child’s learning this year.
I wish you all the best for the
upcoming school year.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Happy Eid-ul-Adha
Eid-ul-Adha Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated in Thul Hijjah, the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar. This is known as a sacred month within the community, as it marks the month of Hajj or Pilgrimage, an important act of worship for Muslims where up to 3 million people travel to Mecca and perform the pilgrimage together.
Muslims in Canada will join Muslims throughout the world in celebrating the festival of Eid-ulAdha (the festival of sacrifice, often called simply “Eid”). This major festival celebrates the supreme example of sacrifice and submission to God shown by Prophet Abraham.
The festival of Eid-ul-Adha commemorates the time, 4,000 years ago, when the Prophet Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, at the command of God. This is held by Muslims as a supreme act of obedience, devotion and submission to the will of God.
Eid-ul-Adha also coincides with the completion of Hajj, the annual pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Muslims are required to perform Hajj at least once in their lifetime, if they can afford it and if they can physically endure it.
This is both a community and a family celebration. On Eid day Muslims, in the morning, go to Mosques/Islamic Centres (or other larger places) to offer prayers. Also traditional meals are prepared, family gatherings take place and they visit each other.
Those who can afford, it, make arrangements for an animal such as a lamb to be sacrificed and the meat distributed to the needy, relatives and friends. The distribution of meat to the needy is a special charity of this festival.
We join you in wishing staff, students and members of the Islamic community, a very happy holiday.
Thursday, 31 August 2017
On behalf of the Silver Stream staff, we would like to welcome back all our returning families and extend a very warm welcome to all the new families joining the Silver Stream community. We hope your summer provided you with time to relax and enjoy with family and friends.
A few reminders:
- School starts on Tuesday, September 5 at 8:05 am. If your child is going to be absent, please ensure that you contact the school to let us know.
- JK students only attend school on the first day from 12:55 pm to 2:35 pm
- Lunch is at 11:55 am-12:55 pm and dismissal is at 2:35 pm
- We encourage all of our students to walk to school (unless using the school bus) and students are supervised outside from 7:50 am.
- Students who take the bus need to check with for pickup and drop off times. Times and route numbers may have changed from last year.
- If your child has an epipen, please ensure that your child carries their epipen on their body in a waist pouch. Epipens should never be kept in a knapsack or locker.
- Your child's teacher will let you know about any special items needed, but all students in the school will require "indoor running shoes" (please label). Our younger students do manage velcro on running shoes better than laces.
- Please ensure that we have your up to date email address(es) and contact information for communications from the school
Please see below for the First Day procedures (this was also included in the report card envelope):
How do I know what classroom my child is in?
If your child is in Junior or Senior Kindergarten, you will receive an email from the school informing you of your child’s entry door and classroom during the last week of August. The exterior entry doors will be labeled in the kindergarten pen. If you have not received an email by Friday September 1st, please contact the office. For the first day of school, parents/caregivers may enter the kindergarten pen. On the second day of school and onwards, ONLY STUDENTS will be allowed in the kindergarten pen and will always be supervised by staff from 7:50 am to 8:00 am (when they enter the building). REMINDER: JK students only attend from 12:55 pm to 2:35 pm on the first day. Parents of JK students are invited to the library for a refreshment at 12:55pm, to meet other kindergarten parents and ask questions you may have.
Grade 1, 2 and 3 students will gather on the tarmac at the back of school where teachers will post signs for the grade and call out the names of students in their classes. Students will then be guided by staff to their entry door and will go to their classroom. In the event of rain, students will go inside to the gym. Please indicate any special dismissal arrangements for the first day on a sheet of paper and attach to your child or give to the teacher.
Grade 4, 5 and 6 students will gather on the tarmac at the side of the school where teachers will post signs for the grade and call out the names of students in their classes. Students will then be guided by staff to their entry door and will go to their classroom. In the event of rain, students will go inside to the gym.
Grade 7 On Friday, Sept 1st parents will receive an email from the school indicating your child’s homeroom classroom. Students will enter the school at 8:00am through ENTRY DOOR 4 unless otherwise indicated through email and go to their homeroom class. If you do not have access to email, grade 7 students will find out their homeroom class on the first day of school at the table just outside the office.
Grade 8 On Friday Sept 1st parents will receive an email from the school indicating your child’s homeroom classroom. Students will enter the school at 8:00am through ENTRY DOOR 4 unless otherwise indicated through email and go to their homeroom class. If you do not have access to email, grade 8 students will find out their homeroom class on the first day of school at the table just outside the office.
How do I find out who my child's teacher is?
You will be notified by your child after school or through your child’s teacher in a note home on Sept 5th. Respectfully and for safety/security reasons, parents/caregivers MUST NOT ENTER the school building to drop off or pick up at entry or exit times. Please arrange to meet your child(ren) outside, at the back of the building.
My child arrives by bus, what should he/she do?
Students who arrive by bus will be met by staff and guided to the back of the school.
Where do I meet my child at the end of the day?
At 2:35 pm, the majority of students in Grades 1 to 8 will exit the school to the back of the building. There will be a few classes where students exit at the front to the tarmac. Parents, please pre-arrange a meeting spot. Students who are bussed will meet in their bus lines in the gym at 1:45 pm on the first day to ensure they know their bus to take home. For safety reasons and to reduce congestion , parents cannot enter the school or pick up their child at the front doors of the school. Thank you for your understanding.
Dear Families,
Welcome to all of our wonderful families and partners! As the new principal of Silver Stream Public School, I feel honoured to be part of such a wonderful community and a school that has an excellent reputation. I am looking forward to getting acquainted with all of the stakeholders involved with our school, especially the students and families. I hope that all parents/guardians have an opportunity to get involved in the exciting activities and opportunities that make Silver Stream a fantastic place to grow and learn. With your support, we can continue ensuring that all students are successful.
Thank you to everyone who has extended such a warm welcome to me over the last few weeks. It is an honour and a pleasure to be the new Principal of Silver Stream. True partnerships are key to all of us here, as we work to support student achievement and well being. With our dynamic and dedicated staff, we will continue to build upon cooperative partnerships between child, parents and teachers and the community.
I am also thrilled to be working alongside our new vice-principal, Jason Innes. He comes to Silver Stream as an experienced vice-principal with many skills and similar values. As the administrators of Silver Stream PS, our focus will be on creating a welcoming and inclusive school environment where students feel safe and motivated to learn and achieve to their true potential.
At Silver Stream Public School we are committed to preparing our students for being responsible participants in our community and the world. We continue to explore the most effective strategies to guide our students in Literacy and Mathematics, while incorporating digital tools that support Modern Learning. We aim to utilize these strategies in a supportive and caring environment to help our students maintain strong mental health and develop coping strategies as the demands of our world continue to increase. Together with our home and school partnerships, we can support our students as they navigate through a world with endless possibilities.
A learning community requires the dedication of all stakeholders and it is our goal to work with you to make your child’s/children’s school experience a positive and happy one. We value your involvement and welcome you into our school.
Throughout the year, please remember that for real time information about the various happenings at our school, visit our school BLOG at You may also follow us on Twitter, @SilverStreamPS.
We look forward to working and learning together with our families and community to provide an excellent education experience for all our students.
Thank you and see you soon.
Trish Yeates
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