Tuesday, 29 November 2016

When eggs hatch into chicks = excitement in FDK!

Values, Influences and Peers Program with York Region Police

York Region Police offers the Values, Influences and Peers program to students in Grades 6, 7 and 8. The program was created to assist youth in making positive and informed decisions when confronted with the challenges faced during adolescence.  Our community officer speaks to the students about various situations that they may face as adolescents and their opportunity to make thoughtful, safe and responsible choices.  

Just a handful of our artists...

Using Algebraic Equations to make math tricks

Friday, 25 November 2016

Congrats to our Boys' Volleyball Team!

This week our Girls' and Boys'  Volleyball Teams competed in tournaments held here at Silver Stream.  Both of our teams played strong and demonstrated exemplary sportsmanship behaviour.  Our Boys' Volleyball team made it to the finals and finished in 2nd place!  Congratulations to our Boys!  Our Girls' team finished in 3rd place and did not advance to the finals but played some great games.  Go Falcons Go!

Follow us on twitter @SilverStreamPS

Silver Stream is now using a twitter account.  Follow us @SilverStreamPS
We will continue to blog information about the school to you  but sometimes there is information that needs to be shared immediately such as "No crossing guard today at Farmstead and Shirley Drive ",  or "buses running late"  and using Twitter we are able to get that short, important information to you quickly using twitter.  

Workshops for Parents

Computer programming Course for students Gr 6-8

Student Leadership Courses

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Staying Healthy


With flu and cold season upon us, please remind your children at home about the importance of washing their hands with soap and water before eating and after using the washroom.   At school, we encourage our younger students to sing the "happy birthday song" in their head to make sure they wash their hands long enough.  

If your child is ill or has a fever or other symptoms of illness, please keep him/her at home until well enough to come to school to help keep all of us healthy.  

We will be reminding students at school about the importance of washing their hands, coughing and sneezing into their elbow and not sharing food to stay healthy.  

Thank you. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Cookie Dough

If you ordered cookie dough, please pick up in our gym from 2:45pm onwards on Thursday. 

Lunchtime Supervisors needed

We are in need of lunchtime supervision for our students from 11:50am to 1:05pm daily. Supervision involves ensuring the safety of our students while eating their lunch and when outdoors.  If this is something that would interest you or you know someone who may be interested, please call our school office at 905 508-5696.

This is a paid position. 

Thank you! 

Follow us @SilverStreamPS on twitter

Silver Stream is now using a twitter account.  Follow us @SilverStreamPS
We will continue to blog information about the school to you  but sometimes there is information that needs to be shared immediately such as "No crossing guard today at Farmstead and Shirley Drive ",  or "buses running late"  and using Twitter we are able to get that short, important information to you quickly using twitter.  

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Cookie Dough

IF you ordered cookie dough, it needs to be picked up on Thursday from 2:45pm in the gym.  
Thank you. 

We need books for the Bookswap! Please drop off on Wednesday.

Last chance! School Photo Retake

Lifetouch School Photography will be hosting an open Retake Day for all York Regions schools:
Date - Friday November 25, 2016
Location - Best Western Hotel - 17565 Yonge Street, Newmarket ON
Time - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm - by appointment
Call to book your appointment - 1- 866-299-7774
Program offer - Prepay (parents will approve, choose package and pay for photos on Nov 25th)

Friday, 18 November 2016

Reminder: Friday November 25 is a PA DAY

There is no school for students on Friday November 25.   Please ensure you have made alternate arrangements for child care. 

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Swiss Chalet Lunch

This is a reminder to all parents who purchase lunches through Swiss Chalet for your child:

We strive to be an eco friendly school and currently the Swiss Chalet lunch has created excessive garbage at our school.  To reduce the garbage, students have been given a bag to take home their leftovers from lunch.  They can also put any food waste in our green bin and put the remaining plastic container(s) in the recycling bin.  Although students are reminded through announcements every Wednesday prior to lunch, the amount of garbage continues to be problematic.  

We are asking for all parents to please speak with your child about disposing of their Swiss Chalet lunch appropriately ( as above). 

We do need to decrease the amount of garbage it generates or we will unfortunately need to cancel the lunch program.

We appreciate your support and thank you for your understanding. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Parent Teacher Interviews ~ Have you returned the form?

Have you returned your form to your oldest or only child's teacher, indicating your time preference for an interview with the teacher?  They must be returned on Thursday for us to be able to consider your request. 

Thank you and enjoy your evening.   

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Silver Stream School Spirit Wear Available

Orders for school spirit wear can be made on School Cash online.  Samples of the clothing are available in the school office from 7:30am to 3:30pm each day.  Go falcons go!

Friday, 11 November 2016

The Beginning of Makerspace in our Library! Thanks Mr.Maisel.

School Council Book Swap

Picture Re-Take Day on MONDAY!

Cookie Dough

If you ordered cookie dough as part of the School Council Fundraising, please mark your calendars for Thursday November 24.  This is when the cookie dough can be picked up at school. Stay tuned for more details. 

School Council Mtg Tues. Nov. 15 @ 7:00pm

Silver Stream Parents,
Please consider coming to our School Council meeting on Tuesday to hear about activities in our school and your council's initiatives.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Brain Fitness

Remembrance Day Observance ~ Friday Nov 11 2016

On Friday at 10:45am, our school will be observing Remembrance Day in a schoolwide assembly (except Kindergarten).  Some classes will contribute a song or poem to help all of us  remember and respect all the men and women who have risked their lives and lost their lives to keep us safe and who continue to protect our rights and freedoms and those of others.  We will observe a moment of silence at 11:00am and encourage a message of peace.  Parents are welcome to attend with limited seating available. 

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Please slow down on school property

Please slow down when entering our parking lot or traffic loop.  With over 600 students and their caregivers arriving to school between 7:50am and 8:05am, we all need to pay special attention to our driving habits and most importantly our children crossing and walking to the school.   

Please take the time to teach your children how to safely walk through a parking lot or cross when there is traffic.   These are essential life skills. They will copy what you model for them.

Let's keep all of our children safe by driving in a safe manner on and around school property. 

We encourage all of our families within walking distance to walk to school to reduce the amount of traffic around our school.